C를 이용한 방법
GFL_ERROR init = gflLibraryInit(); if (GFL_NO_ERROR != init) { printf("error: %d\n", init); return; } gflEnableLZW(GFL_TRUE); // load jpeg GFL_BITMAP *thebitmap = NULL; GFL_LOAD_PARAMS lp1; gflGetDefaultLoadParams(&lp1); lp1.FormatIndex = -1; GFL_ERROR e1 = gflLoadBitmap("dsc04034.jpg", &thebitmap, &lp1, NULL); if (GFL_NO_ERROR != e1) { printf("error: %d\n", e1); } else { int tiff = gflGetFormatIndexByName("tiff"); unsigned char* data; unsigned long length; GFL_SAVE_PARAMS sp1; gflGetDefaultSaveParams(&sp1); sp1.FormatIndex = tiff; sp1.Compression = GFL_LZW; printf("saving to mem\n"); e1 = gflSaveBitmapIntoMemory(&data, &length, thebitmap, &sp1); if (GFL_NO_ERROR == e1) { printf("saved %d bytes\n", length); gflMemoryFree(data); printf("freed\n"); } else { printf("error: %d\n", e1); } gflGetDefaultSaveParams(&sp1); sp1.FormatIndex = tiff; sp1.Compression = GFL_LZW; printf("saving to file\n"); e1 = gflSaveBitmap("dsc04034.tiff", thebitmap, &sp1); if (GFL_NO_ERROR == e1) { printf("saved\n"); } else { printf("error: %d\n", e1); } gflFreeBitmap(thebitmap); } gflLibraryExit();
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