델파이의 콘트롤들은 모두 TWinControl을 상속 받는데 이 콘트롤들은 윈도우의 애니메이션 API인 "AnimateWindow"를 이용하여 여러가지 애니메이션 효과를 줄 수 있다.
예를 들어 판넬(Panel)에 대해서 Hide, Slide, Fade 등의 효과를 줄 수 있다
AnimateWindow API 정의
function AnimateWindow(hwnd : HWND; dwTime : DWORD; dwFlags : DWORD);
- hwnd : 애니메이션을 주고 싶은 콘트롤의 핸들
- dwTime : 애니메이션 효과를 주는 시간으로 밀리세컨드 단위로 준다 일반적으로 200 millisecond가 적당
- dwFlag : 애니메이션 효과 구분으로 다음과 같이 정의됨
Value | Meaning |
AW_ACTIVATE 0x00020000 | Activates the window. Do not use this value with AW_HIDE. |
AW_BLEND 0x00080000 | Uses a fade effect. This flag can be used only if hwnd is a top-level window. |
AW_CENTER 0x00000010 | Makes the window appear to collapse inward if AW_HIDE is used or expand outward if the AW_HIDE is not used. The various direction flags have no effect. |
AW_HIDE 0x00010000 | Hides the window. By default, the window is shown. |
AW_HOR_POSITIVE 0x00000001 | Animates the window from left to right. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with AW_CENTER or AW_BLEND. |
AW_HOR_NEGATIVE 0x00000002 | Animates the window from right to left. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with AW_CENTER or AW_BLEND. |
AW_SLIDE 0x00040000 | Uses slide animation. By default, roll animation is used. This flag is ignored when used with AW_CENTER. |
AW_VER_POSITIVE 0x00000004 | Animates the window from top to bottom. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with AW_CENTER or AW_BLEND. |
AW_VER_NEGATIVE 0x00000008 | Animates the window from bottom to top. This flag can be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with AW_CENTER or AW_BLEND. |
. 판넬을 위에서 아래로 슬라이딩 시키고 숨기는 예
AnimateWindow(Panel1.Handle, 200, AW_VER_NEGATIVE OR AW_SLIDE OR AW_HIDE);
. 판넬을 안쪽으로 사라지게 만드는 예
AnimateWindow(Panel1.Handle, 200, AW_CENTER OR AW_HIDE);
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