1. Twitter for Delphi code
델파이를 이용한 트위터 클라이언트 제작이 가능하도록 하기 위해 만들어진 MPL(Mozilla Public License) API Source Code 입니다. SourceForge.com에 프로젝트에는 아직 등록되지 않았지만 계속 개발중인 버전이고 해서 아직 모든 예외처리는 되어 있지 않은듯 한데 델파이를 이용하여 트위터 클라이언트를 제작하고자 한다면 좋은 출발 코드가 될 듯 합니다.
{ Mozilla Public License. ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is Twitter - Delphi implementation. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CB2 Enterprises, Inc. Portions created by CB2 Enterprises, Inc. are Copyright (C) 2009. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): ______________________________________. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the _____ license (the [___] License), in which case the provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the [___] License." } unit Twitter; interface uses Classes, IDHttp, TypInfo, SysUtils, OAuth; type TTwitterDirectMessage = (ddirect_messages, dsent, dnew, ddestroy); TTwitterFriendship = (fcreate, fdestroy, fexists); TTwitterOutputFormatType = (json, xml, rss, atom); TTwitterObjectType = (statuses, account, users, friends, friendships, direct_messages, followers, favorites, notifications, blocks, help); TTwitterStatus = (spublic_timeline, sfriends_timeline, suser_timeline, sshow, supdate, sreplies, sdestroy); TTwitterUser = (ufriends, ufollowers, ushow); TTwitter = class(TObject) private FHTTP: TIdCustomHTTP; FSource: string; FTwitterClient: string; FTwitterClientVersion: string; FTwitterClientURL: string; FUserName: string; FPassword: string; FConsumer: TOAuthConsumer; FToken: TOAuthToken; FRequest: TOAuthRequest; FHMAC: TOAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1; FKey: string; FSecret: string; FOAuth_token: string; FOAuth_token_secret: string; procedure SetSource(const Value: string); procedure SetTwitterClient(const Value: string); procedure SetTwitterClientVersion(const Value: string); procedure SetTwitterCLientURL(const Value: string); function UrlEncode(const S : String) : String; function _IntToHex(Value: Integer; Digits: Integer): string; function DeleteFirstChar(input: string): string; protected function GetTwitterOutputFormatType(TwitterOutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function GetTwitterObjectType(TwitterObjectType: TTwitterObjectType): string; function GetTwitterStatus(TwitterStatus: TTwitterStatus): string; function GetTwitterDirectMessage(TwitterDirectMessage: TTwitterDirectMessage): string; function GetTwitterFriendship(TwitterFriendship: TTwitterFriendship): string; function GetTwitterUser(TwitterUser: TTwitterUser): string; function GETCommand(URL: string): string; function POSTCommand(URL: string; Data: TStringList): string; public constructor Create; function GetPublicTimeLine(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function GetUserTimeLine(ScreenName: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function GetFriendsTimeLine(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType; since_id: string = ''; max_id: string = ''; count: string = '' ; page: string = ''): string; function GetFriends(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function GetUserFollowers(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; overload; function GetUserFollowers(parm: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; overload; function Update(Status: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function Show(ScreenName: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function GetReplies(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function GetDirectMessages(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function GetDirectMessagesSent(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; function PostDirectMessagesNew(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType; user, text: string): string; function PostDirectMessagesDestroy(id: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; property Source: string read FSource write SetSource; property TwitterClient: string read FTwitterClient write SetTwitterClient; property TwitterClientVersion: string read FTwitterClientVersion write SetTwitterClientVersion; property TwitterClientURL: string read FTwitterClientURL write SetTwitterClientURL; property Consumer: TOAuthConsumer read FConsumer write FConsumer; property Token: TOAuthToken read FToken write FToken; property Request: TOAuthRequest read FRequest write FRequest; property HMAC: TOAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 read FHMAC write FHMAC; property Key: string read FKey write FKey; property Secret: string read FSecret write FSecret; property OAuth_token: string read FOAuth_token write FOAuth_token; property OAuth_token_secret: string read FOAuth_token_secret write FOAuth_token_secret; end; const TwitterBaseURLFormat = 'http://twitter.com/%s/%s.%s'; TwitterBaseURLFormat2 = 'http://twitter.com/%s.%s'; implementation { TTwitter } constructor TTwitter.Create; begin FHTTP := TIdCustomHTTP.Create(nil); FHTTP.Request.UserAgent := 'Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)'; FHTTP.Request.Accept := 'text/html, */*'; FHTTP.HTTPOptions := [hoForceEncodeParams, hoInProcessAuth]; FHTTP.MaxAuthRetries := 3; FHTTP.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; end; function TTwitter.DeleteFirstChar(input: string): string; begin Delete(input, 1, 1); Result := input; end; function TTwitter.GETCommand(URL: string): string; var pos: integer; begin FConsumer := nil; FConsumer := TOAuthConsumer.Create(FKey, FSecret, 'http://www.chuckbeasley.com'); FRequest := TOAuthRequest.Create(URL); FRequest := Request.FromConsumerAndToken(FConsumer, nil, URL); FRequest.HTTPURL := URL; FToken := TOAuthToken.Create(FOAuth_token, FOAuth_token_secret); FRequest := Request.FromConsumerAndToken(FConsumer, FToken, URL); FRequest.Sign_Request(HMAC, Consumer, Token); pos := AnsiPos('?', URL); if pos = 0 then URL := URL + '?' + Request.GetString else URL := URL + '&' + Request.GetString; Result := FHTTP.Get(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetUserFollowers(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin if ((OutputFormatType <> JSON) and (OutputFormatType <> XML)) then raise Exception.Create('GetUserFollowers supports only XML and JSON output format.'); URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterUser(ufollowers), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetUserFollowers(parm: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin if ((OutputFormatType <> JSON) and (OutputFormatType <> XML)) then raise Exception.Create('GetUserFollowers supports only XML and JSON output format.'); URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterUser(ufollowers), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType) + '?' + parm]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetDirectMessages( OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat2, [GetTwitterDirectMessage(ddirect_messages), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetDirectMessagesSent( OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterDirectMessage(ddirect_messages), GetTwitterDirectMessage(dsent), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetFriends(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin if ((OutputFormatType <> JSON) and (OutputFormatType <> XML)) then raise Exception.Create('GetFriends supports only XML and JSON output format.'); URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterUser(ufriends), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetFriendsTimeLine(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType; since_id: string = ''; max_id: string = ''; count: string = '' ; page: string = ''): string; var URL: string; parm_cnt: integer; begin URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterStatus(sfriends_timeline), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); parm_cnt := 0; if ((since_id <> '') or (max_id <> '') or (count <> '') or (page <> '')) then begin URL := URL + '?'; Inc(parm_cnt); if (since_id <> '') then begin if (parm_cnt > 1) then begin URL := URL + '&'; Inc(parm_cnt); end; URL := URL + 'since_id=' + since_id; end; if (count <> '') then begin if (parm_cnt > 1) then begin URL := URL + '&'; Inc(parm_cnt); end; URL := URL + 'count=' + count; end; if (max_id <> '') then begin if (parm_cnt > 1) then begin URL := URL + '&'; Inc(parm_cnt); end; URL := URL + 'max_id=' + max_id; end; if (page <> '') then begin if (parm_cnt > 1) then begin URL := URL + '&'; Inc(parm_cnt); end; URL := URL + 'page=' + page; end; end; Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetPublicTimeLine(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterStatus(spublic_timeline), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetReplies(OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterStatus(sreplies), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.GetTwitterDirectMessage( TwitterDirectMessage: TTwitterDirectMessage): string; var x: string; begin x := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTwitterDirectMessage), Ord(TwitterDirectMessage)); Result := DeleteFirstChar(x); end; function TTwitter.GetTwitterFriendship( TwitterFriendship: TTwitterFriendship): string; var x: string; begin x := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTwitterFriendship), Ord(TwitterFriendship)); Result := DeleteFirstChar(x); end; function TTwitter.GetTwitterObjectType( TwitterObjectType: TTwitterObjectType): string; begin Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTwitterObjectType), Ord(TwitterObjectType)); end; function TTwitter.GetTwitterOutputFormatType( TwitterOutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; begin Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTwitterOutputFormatType), Ord(TwitterOutputFormatType)); end; function TTwitter.GetTwitterStatus(TwitterStatus: TTwitterStatus): string; var x: string; begin x:= GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTwitterStatus), Ord(TwitterStatus)); Result := DeleteFirstChar(x); end; function TTwitter.GetTwitterUser(TwitterUser: TTwitterUser): string; var x: string; begin x:= GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTwitterUser), Ord(TwitterUser)); Result := DeleteFirstChar(x); end; function TTwitter.GetUserTimeLine(ScreenName: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin if (ScreenName = '') then URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterStatus(suser_timeline), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]) else URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterStatus(suser_timeline) + '/' + ScreenName, GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.POSTCommand(URL: string; Data: TStringList): string; begin if Source <> '' then Data.Add('&source=' + URLEncode(Source)); Result := FHTTP.Post(URL, Data); end; function TTwitter.PostDirectMessagesDestroy(id: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var Data: TStringList; URL: string; begin if ((OutputFormatType <> JSON) and (OutputFormatType <> XML)) then raise Exception.Create('Direct_messages/destroy supports only XML and JSON output format.'); Data := TStringlist.Create; URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterDirectMessage(ddirect_messages), GetTwitterDirectMessage(ddestroy) + '/' + id, GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Data := TStringlist.Create; Result := POSTCommand(URL, Data); Data.Free; end; function TTwitter.PostDirectMessagesNew( OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType; user, text: string): string; var Data: TStringList; URL: string; begin if ((OutputFormatType <> JSON) and (OutputFormatType <> XML)) then raise Exception.Create('Direct_messages/new supports only XML and JSON output format.'); URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterDirectMessage(ddirect_messages), GetTwitterDirectMessage(dnew), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Data := TStringlist.Create; Data.Add(user); Data.Add(text); Result := POSTCommand(URL, Data); Data.Free; end; procedure TTwitter.SetSource(const Value: string); begin FSource := Value; end; procedure TTwitter.SetTwitterClient(const Value: string); begin FTwitterCLient := Value; end; procedure TTwitter.SetTwitterCLientURL(const Value: string); begin FTwitterCLientURL := Value; end; procedure TTwitter.SetTwitterClientVersion(const Value: string); begin FTwitterCLientVersion := Value; end; function TTwitter.Show(ScreenName: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var URL: string; begin if ((OutputFormatType <> JSON) and (OutputFormatType <> XML)) then raise Exception.Create('Show supports only XML and JSON output format.'); URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(users), GetTwitterUser(ushow) + '/' + ScreenName, GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Result := GETCommand(URL); end; function TTwitter.Update(Status: string; OutputFormatType: TTwitterOutputFormatType): string; var Text, URL: string; Data: TStringList; begin if ((OutputFormatType <> JSON) and (OutputFormatType <> XML)) then raise Exception.Create('Update supports only XML and JSON output format.'); URL := Format(TwitterBaseURLFormat, [GetTwitterObjectType(Statuses), GetTwitterStatus(supdate), GetTwitterOutputFormatType(OutputFormatType)]); Data := TStringlist.Create; Text := Format('status=%s', [status]); Data.Add(Text); Result := POSTCommand(URL, Data); Data.Free; end; function TTwitter.UrlEncode(const S: String): String; var I : Integer; Ch : Char; begin Result := ''; for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Ch := S[I]; if ((Ch >= '0') and (Ch <= '9')) or ((Ch >= 'a') and (Ch <= 'z')) or ((Ch >= 'A') and (Ch <= 'Z')) or (Ch = '.') or (Ch = '-') or (Ch = '_') or (Ch = '~')then Result := Result + Ch else Result := Result + '%' + _IntToHex(Ord(Ch), 2); end; end; function TTwitter._IntToHex(Value, Digits: Integer): String; begin Result := SysUtils.IntToHex(Value, Digits); end; end.2. 추가 참고자료
• Twitter Checker : Delphi 2009 버전으로 만들어진 간단한 트레이 방식의 트위터 체크 프로그램(OpenSource)
• Dwitterphi - the Delphi native Twitter client : Delphi 2009로 만들어진 매우 가벼운 트위터 클라이언트(Open Source)
• Twitter Desktop Client - powered by Delphi any by Andreano Lanusse
• Using Twitter API with Delphi
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